

What is 20 kHz?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: What is 20 kHz?
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What is the frequency of ultrasonic rays?

20 khz.

What is a Tigers range?

Domestic cats can hear sounds in the range of about 2 kHz to 65 kHz. The average hearing range for humans is about 02 kHz to 20 kHz. Therefore cats hear better than humans.

What is 150 kHz and 20mHz in hz?

150 kHz = 150 000 Hz and 29 MHz = 20 000 000 Hz

How loud do tigers roar?

Loud enough to be heard from around 2 miles away.

What are the highest and lowest frequencies that can be heard in air?

Lowest = ~20 Hz Highest = ~20 kHz

What is used as switching element in SMPS at 20-100 kHz?


What is the range of frequency human can hear?

2 Hz to 20 KHz .

If the frequency of a rectangular waveform is 20 kHz and it is logic 1 for 30µsec. What is the duty cycle of the waveform and How long does the signal remain a logic 0?

The period of a 20 kHz waveform is 1 / 20 kHz, or 50 uS. If the waveform is logic 1 for 30 uS, then it is logic 0 of 20 uS, and the duty cycle is 60%.Simply subtract from 30 from 50 to get 20. Also, compare 30 against 50 to get 60%

Can bats hear higher pitched noises than humans?

Depending on age, humans can hear between 20 Hz and 15-20 kHz. Bat calls have a frequency range of 9 kHz to 200 kHz.So Yes.

What is the minimum sample rate required to to record a frequency of 20 kHz?

According to the Nyquist theorem, a sample rate of double the frequency is required to record it, so 40 kHz .

What is the range of audio frequency?

The range humans can hear is about 20 - 20,000 Hz (20 Hz to 20 kHz); the range is smaller for older people.

What freqencies does a AM radio use?

AM radios can use frequencies in the range 535 kHz to 1605 kHz. Frequencies are assigned at 10 kHz intervals, from 540 kHz to 1600 kHz.