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What is the new xbox 360s name?

X360 Slim.

Why is having an electronic life better than having a real life?

because of xbox 360s

How do you system link 2 xbox 360s?

Buy 2 xbox 360s and put a cable between them.

Can all Xbox 360s use live?

All 360s can connect as long as you have the correct items to connect to xboxlive

Are aliens close to earth?

Aliens have a great chance of being real, just not close to Earth. Aliens have a great chance of being real, just not close to Earth. we would get better xbox 360s and better connection

What Xbox can you use Kinect on?

All Xbox 360s.

How much are the new xbox 360s?

£200 / $300

Does best buy repair Xbox 360s?


Does justn bieber have 2 xbox 360s?

I am Cristian, his cousin, i have been to his house, he has 3 xbox 360s. One in his bedroom, one in the couch room and one in the study

How many Xbox 360s were sold on the first day?


How many xbox 360s are sold every year?

i million

Can Xbox 360s play Blu-ray?

Hell naw