

Best Answer

57 degrees Celsius is 134.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Q: What is 57 Celsius coverted to farnheit?
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What is 36.17 Celsius in farnheit?

(Celsius * 1.8) + 32 = FahrenheitTherefore . . .(36.17 Celsius * 1.8) + 32 = 97.106 Fahrenheit

What is 39 degrees celsius in farnheit?

39°C is equal to 102.2°F

What is 80 Fahrenheit coverted to celsius?

80ºF = 26.67ºC

What is negative 25 fahrenheit coverted to Celsius?

-25ºF = -31.7ºC

What is 18 degrees Celsius coverted into f?

18ºC = 64.4ºF

What is 70 degrees Celsius coverted into the Kelvin scale?

70 degrees Celsius = 343.15 kelvin

What is 325 Fahrenheit coverted in to degrees celsius?

325 deg Fahrenheit (not farenheight) is 162.77... deg Celsius.

What is 90 degrees Fahrenheit coverted to celsius?

32.22 degrees C.

How are degrees Celsius coverted to kelvins?

Add 273 (273.15 specifically) to the Celsius value to obtain the kelvin value.

What does 98.6 mean in Celsius?

the average body temp of a human just in celsius insted of farnheit? unless ur looking for the actual value then u can google the conversion equation

What is 35.7 coverted into Fahrenheit?

35.7 degrees Celsius is equal to a temperature of 96.26 degrees Fahrenheit.

How many Celsius is 57 Fahrenheit?

57 degrees Fahrenheit = 13.8 degrees Celsius.