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Q: What is 5 and 3 over 50 as a decimal?
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What is the decimal of 5 and 7 over 50?

The decimal of 5 and 7 over 50 is expressed as 5.14

What is 5 over 50 as a decimal?

50/5 as a decimal is simply 10.0

What is the mixed number of 5 over 0.3?

5/.3= move the decimal over one place 50/3= 16.66... sixes forever.

What is 1 and 5 over 50 in decimal?

1/50 = .02 5/50 = .1

What is 9 and 3 over 5 as a decimal?

9 and 3 over 5 as a decimal is 9.6

What is 1 and 5 over 50 in a decimal?


What is 1 and 5 over 50 as a decimal?


What is 50 over 1000 as a decimal?

50/1000 = 5/100 = 0.05

What is 3 and 5 over 9 in a decimal?

3 and 5 over 9 in decimal form is approximately 3.5556.

What is 3 over 5 as a deciamal?

3 over 5 as a decimal is .6.

What is 30 over 50 in decimal?

30/50 = 30÷50 = 3÷5 = 0.6

What would 50 over 5 be as a decimal?

50 / 5 = 10 You can make it 10.0000 with as many zeroes after it if you want, but 10 is still a decimal number. ■