

What is 70 percent of 1.2km?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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0.84 km or 840 m

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Q: What is 70 percent of 1.2km?
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12km=12,000m 1 m =100cm 12km =1,200,000 cm (12,000*100)

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5/6 of 12km is 10km

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An object travelling at 12km per hour

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Yes because 70 percent is 70/100 which is .70

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70 percent of 83 percent is 0.581 or 58.1%

What is 70 percent of 70?

70x0.7=49 so 70% of 70 is 49 70 percent in decimal form is .7 Multiply 70 by .7 to determine 70 percent of 70 = 49.

Is bigger 123.1 mm or 12Km bigger?

12km is bigger (longer) than 123.1mm

What is the percent of 49 out of 70?

49/70 x 100 = 70 percent.

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25 percent of 70 = 17.525% of 70= 25% * 70= 0.25 * 70= 17.5

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2 percent of 70 =1.42% of 70= 2% * 70= 0.02 * 70= 1.4