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Look, the tangential line is touching a semi circle.

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Q: What is A sentence using tangential?
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How do use tangential in a sentence?

He was not interested in the situation of the people planning to go on the cruise, so his mention that they were going was only short and tangential.

How do you use the word tangential in a sentence?

The subject of air rights was only tangential to the negotiations over property values. Warm air at ground level enters via tangential inlets around the base of the wall.

What is the Tangential flow in turbine?

When flow of water on turbine is tangential, flow is tangential flow

Why tangential acceleration is not produced in uniform circular motion?

Because there is no tangential force acting on the object in uniform circular motion. The proof that there is no tangential component of acceleration is the fact that the tangential component of velocity is constant.

What is tangential velocity and tangential acceleration?

Vt=w*r where; * is multiply Vt is tangential velocity w is omega(angular mometum) r is radius

Is it possible to have positive instantaneous tangential velocity and negative instantaneous tangential acceleration?

Yes. Imagine a ball on a rigid pole being swung around, and slowing down. It's tangential velocity is positive but it's tangential acceleration is negative

How do you use tangent in a sentence?

A departure from the subject under consideration

How do you find tangential velocity?

Tangential velocity is equal to (mass x velocity^2)/radial distance

What is tangential quadrilateral?

A tangential quadrilateral is a four sided polygon such that each of its sides is tangent to the same circle.

What is the opposite of radially?


Where might you see an externally tangent circle?

On a road. The tyre of a car on the road is tangential to the road and so tangential to the earth.

How tangential acceleration produced in a body?

Tangential acceleration is d/dr mcV = mc dVcdt = mdv/dt. The tangential acceleration is dV/dt is produced from the Vector Energy (mcV, the "Dark Energy"). Newton "added" the tangential acceleration as " dV/dt" to balance he Gradient acceleration v2/r 1R.