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The Lemur would be happy because it wouldn't go through any issues at all.

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7mo ago

An environment where the albino lemur would not be at a disadvantage would be one with dense foliage and a high diversity of plant species. This type of environment would provide plenty of shelter, camouflage opportunities, and diverse food sources for the albino lemur to thrive. Additionally, low predation pressure and a lack of competition for resources would further reduce any disadvantages the albino lemur may face.

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Q: What is An environment where the albino lemur would not be at a disadvantage?
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Describe an environment where the albino lemur would not be at a disadvantage?

Albino Lemur's can only survive in environments where the temperature is between -12 to 48 degrees Celsius. Humid, dry and deciduous forests make up their environment.

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a person or animal that lacks pigment in their skin, hair, and eyes would be albino.

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Albinoes or non albino people carrying one albino gene would have to reproduce more.

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It depends what species they are, an albino grass snake would not grow as long as an albino anaconda.

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You would be using an obsolete development environment and a pretty old dialect.

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The opposite of albino is pigmented or normal coloring. Albino refers to a lack of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes, while pigmented or normal coloring indicates the presence of pigment in these areas.

If an albino and a non-albino gecko mate will they offspring be albino?

you have a 99% chance of the gecko coming out naturally colored. The albino gene for all animals is recessive. That means that both the mother and father would have to have the recessive gene and it would be blind luck for the recessive gene to be passed on by both parents. Best way to have an albino gecko is to breed 2 albino geckos. It is still not 100% that the babies will be albinos.

What happens when a albino is born in the wild?

it will most likely die in the wild mostly because the offspring would then mate and then possibly reproduce more of its kind then the habitat would flood with albino. Then albino would think they were the grater species and killing the non albino. However if a albino is born and taken to a zoo of some sort it would have a grater chance of having solving. seeing the fact that it is away from almost any kind of danger.

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What would happen to an albino animal if it were kept in a zoo?

If an albino animal was to be kept in direct sunlight, it may slightly yellow or fade over time. Studies have shown that some zookeepers use industrial bleach on the animals to prohibit this tarnished effect, causing consideral damage to the animal and environment.