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Analysis could include:

  • review of the method you used - could it be improved
  • was the method valid - gives you a correct result. This is not always the case even for experienced scientists.
  • was the method reliable - this means you controlled all external variables. Sometimes this is very difficult if you are dealing with the natural environment.
  • were the results reliable - you should do experiments more than once. Were the results the same each time the experiment was done?
  • what related investigations have presented themselves to you as you did your project
  • what other ideas do you have for similar investigations
  • if you did the project again, how would you improve it/do it differently. Often after an experiment, we get a better idea of how to improve it that may not have occurred to us before the experiment.
  • did you actually achieve what you set out to do?
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Q: What is Analysis in a science project?
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What does analysis mean in a science fair project?

It's the answer to your hypothesis.

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The analysis section looks at the results or data and uses it to make your conclusions.

What does an analysis do in a science project?

alright for all those middle schooler who dont know what an analysis is...... that really stink for u!

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As long as necessary in order to show where your conclusion came from.

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A data analysis is when you interpret and analyze your results. If you made graphs, include and explain them here. Your answer should include the questions.

Is there a science project involving computers Please help me?

Genrally speaking no; however Using a computer to do a science project may involve programming -- pattern analysis, data interpretation; many things are available. A science project about computers could cover how to build one from just parts, how to upgrade a PC.

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hey...according to me...topics like....analyzing the presence of fertilizers on vegetables and foods..milk analysis...analysis of tea leaves....would work to make your project the of luck

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What is a science project analysis?

It relates to the conclusion. It may be sort of like a prediction before the conclusion, though it's not exactly the same thing.