

What is Andropause?

Updated: 6/11/2024
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10y ago

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Andropause is the male version of hormonal shift (menopause) that women experience.

It occurs when a man's ability to produce the primary male hormones dwindles as he ages. The hormones in question are:

  • Testosterone,
  • DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) - The "master" or "mother" hormone, and...
  • HGH - the human growth hormone.
  • Lack of energy or general vitality
  • Decrease in strength, muscle tone, and endurance
  • Hair loss/thinning hair
  • A loss of height
  • A decline in sex drive, erection quality and sexual performance
  • Having difficulty sleeping
  • Weight gain, especially around the abdominal area
  • Suffer from night sweats and hot flashes
  • Decreased enjoyment of life
  • Frequently irritated, angry, or in a bad mood
  • Decreased performance at work
  • Aching joints and muscles
  • - See more at:
  • Lack of energy or general vitality
  • Decrease in strength, muscle tone, and endurance
  • Hair loss/thinning hair
  • A loss of height
  • A decline in sex drive, erection quality and sexual performance
  • Having difficulty sleeping
  • Weight gain, especially around the abdominal area
  • Suffer from night sweats and hot flashes
  • Decreased enjoyment of life
  • Frequently irritated, angry, or in a bad mood
  • Decreased performance at work
  • Aching joints and muscles
  • - See more at:
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10y ago
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1d ago

Andropause, also known as male menopause, refers to a decrease in testosterone levels in aging men, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, decreased libido, and mood changes. It is a gradual process that occurs over time, and can be managed through lifestyle changes, hormone therapy, and other medical interventions.

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What condition is marked by the decrease of the male hormone testosterone?

Hypogonadism is a condition characterized by low levels of testosterone in males, which can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, and mood changes. Treatment may involve testosterone replacement therapy.

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What are the main symptoms of andropause?

Andropause, also known as male menopause, is due to decreasing hormone levels in men. Common symptoms include: erectile dysfunction, night sweats, muscle loss, low sex drive, depression, and weight gain. Additionally, urinary problems, hot flashes, hair loss, sleep apnea, fatigue and irritability may present. It is likely that a man suffering from andropause will experience a combination of some of the aforementioned symptoms.

How do you treat andropause?

Andropause Treatemnt:Suggestions for treatmentAlthough there is disagreement over whether or not andropause is a condition to be "diagnosed" and "treated", those who support that position have made several proposals to address andropause and mitigate some of its effects.Morley emphasizes the importance of response to treatment, as well as testosterone level and identifiable symptoms.Answers.comMintz, Dotson, & Mukai include an emphasis on hormones other than testosterone. They also focus upon diet, and exercise.Answers.comDiamond (a lay person) believes that depression is one of the most common problems of middle-aged men, and feels it is greatly under-diagnosed, sometimes with serious consequences.Answers.comThe following treatments have been found to be effective.Answers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comAnswers.comThese include:Androgen_replacement_therapyAnswers.comExercise, Dietarychanges, Stress_reductionAnswers.comSelective_androgen_receptor_modulatorhave also been

What is the causes of lack of hormones in human body?

May be tumors in younger people, and menopause or andropause in older people.

What is the medical term for a decrease in testosterone in older men?

The medical term for a decrease in testosterone in older men is "hypogonadism." This condition can lead to symptoms such as decreased sex drive, fatigue, and loss of muscle mass. Treatment options include hormone replacement therapy.

What is the name of the male version of menopause?

Menopause is the cessation of menstruation result of aging and the ovaries produce lower levels of sex hormones; usually occurs between the age of 45 and 55. you can refer to this website for more information,