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5'6 but some say 6'0

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Q: What is Christopher Columbus's' height?
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Christopher Columbus's child Magellan was not the real explorer he was just the good son of an explorer.

What was christopher columbuss real name?

The name Christopher Columbus is the Anglicisation of the Latin Christophorus Columbus. His name in Italian is Cristoforo Colombo and in Spanish it is Cristóbal Colón.

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He found rich biodiversity in the forests, abundance of rivers teaming with aquatic life, diverse animals inhabiting the land, and valuable minerals in the region.

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1451 was the first expedition christopher Columbus made

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His wife was Dona Felipa.

What is Christopher Columbus's height?

5'6 but some say 6'0

What was christopher columbuss goals?

To find a quick route to Asia, but he landed in North America instead, but thought it was India. Columbus didn't like the Native Americans that lived on the land, so he took them as slaves, killed them,and sexually assaulted them.

What was columbuss goals?

To get spices from the West Indies.

How tall was Saint Christopher?

The height of Saint Christopher is not known. He died around 251 AD and is the Patron Saint of bachelors, travel, and sailors.

Who designed St Paul's Cathedral in the late 17th century?

The architect was Sir Christopher Wren, the cathedral was consecrated in 1708, height 365 feet