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The force of gravity is the same everywhere in the universe. What do you mean exactly? You can calculate the force of gravity between any two objects with the following formular Mass times (multiplied by) Mass divided by distance squared.

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Q: What is Earth's gravitational force compared to Neptune?
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What is earth's gravitational force compared with Uranus?

is 20x earths

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What is earths gravitational force?

9.8 N/kg

What is earths gravitational force compared to mars?

Earths gravitational force compared to mars is greater than mars. That means that objects are easily pulled into earth, whereas it is harder to pull objects into mars, because the gravitational pull is less than earth. With that, satellites on earth could easily fly out of orbit while they are orbiting mars because they have more inertia. With that, the gravitational pull isn't strong enough to overcome the inertia.

Who invented the gravity of force?

it was invented by the earths gravitational feild

Does the moons gravitational force stronger than earths gravitational force?

No the Earth would pull u more than the moon

How do you weigh heavier on Jupiter and Neptune but not on other planets?

because of gravitational force.

Why the gravitational force of earths moon is very low?

The moon is small.

Is it true that tides are created by the difference between the gravitational force at Earths surface and at Earths center?

Yes, that's basically what causes tides. ===================== And the moon. Lets not forget its role.

What is the force of gravity on Saturn compared to the Earth's gravitational force?

hey hey im 3 and to know the answer its 69 percent of earth gravitational force

If Neptune's mass were reduced what could be done to maintain the same force of gravitational attraction between Neptune and the Sun?

Decrease the distance between Neptune and the sun

Is the suns gravitational force responsible for the earths revolution around the sun?
