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"The only thing we have to fear itself." was said in Roosevelt's inagural speech. It was meant to give hope to Americans in the time of the great depression. If we fear fear, we understand fear is something that can potentially stop us from achieving goals.

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Q: What is Franklin Roosevelt's famous quote why did he say it what did it mean?
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How do you get credit for a quote you made up?

Publish it. If you're not famous, the only way to really get credit for the quote is to publish the quote in a book, magazine, newspaper, etc.. However, just because you have credit for the quote doesn't mean that the quote will become popular. Most quotes become popular because of the people who said it, not necessarily due to any intricate truth or beauty behind the quote.

What does it mean when you quote verbatim?

quote word for word

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What does 'Are you hollering down the rain barrel' mean?

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