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The earth revolved around the sun, the milky way was a series of stars, etc. He basically created the separation between science and religion.

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Q: What are the teachings of Galileo?
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What influence did Galileo have on the catholic church?

He inspired it to involve science in their teachings

Why was Galileo tried and sentenced to house arrest by the chatholic church?

Galileo challenged church teachings by saying that the heliocentric model of the universe was true

Which statement describes the controversy caused by Galileo's heliocentric theory?

(Apex) Church leaders opposed Galileo's ideas because they were different from religious teachings.

Why did the findings of Galileo frighten Catholic and Protestant leaders?

they went against the church teachings and authority

Why was Galileo put in jail by the pope?

Galileo was never put in jail, he was put under house arrest because his teachings on gravity and the solar system was against the church.

How was Galileo's heliocentric theory controversial?

Church officials believed the theory contradicted current religious teachings

According to Galileo why do some people think his teachings are heretical?

Because it went against what the church says.

How did Galileo answer the argument that the heliocentric theory of the solar system was against the teachings of the church?

He apologized and said he was wrong apex

How did Galileo answer the argument that the heliocentric theory of the solar system was against the teachings of church?

He apologized and said he was wrong apex

Did Galileo get locked up by the pope?

No. He got locked up by the Roman Catholic Church because he disagreed with their teachings.

How did Galileo contribute to secularism during the renaissance?

Galileo used his telescope to find evidence that Earth is not the center of the universe. This discovery contradicted the teachings of the Catholic Church, suggesting that religion was not the only guide to truth.

Galileo was forced to do what?

galileo was forced to stop studying astronomy after his claim that the earth moved round the sun. He was correct of course but this went against the christian teachings at the time as they believed that everything revolved around the earth