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Q: What is Grass that gains energy from the sun is a example of?
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Grass that gains energy from the sun is an example of what?


Grass that gains energy from the sun is an example of...?


Is Indian grass a producer?

Yes, as Indian grass gains energy from the sun and herbivores eat it, Indian grass falls under the category of producer.

What is an example of a food chain with a human?

the sun gives the grass energy then a cow comes and eats it then the cow gets the energy from the grass cause the grass got it from the sun then we make the cow into a double cheese burger then we take the energy that the cow and grass had before it and p.s the sun will never waste out of energy

What provides energy for grass?

Grass takes energy from the sun through photosynthesis. Therefore, the sun provides energy for grass.

How does coyote get energy from the sun?

Here's an example. It all starts with some grass. Grass goes performs photosynthesis, and grows. A bunny or small animal comes along and eats the grass, receiving sunlight energy as well. When the coyote eats the bunny, it receive energy from the grass, bunny, and Sun.

How does energy from the sun get to a rabbit?

The grass gets it's energy from the sun and then the rabbit eats the grass.

Where does energy used by living organisms originate?

Ultimately, all energy originates from the Sun and is passed along the food chain from there. For example... Sun -> Grass -> Cow -> Human

What is the source of energy for the grass?

The Sun.

Where does grass gets it energy from?

The sun.

How energy stored by grass is transferred to the hawk?

A flock of sheep are grazing in a field. As they eat, the sheep break down the molecules in the grass, which releases energy. Which form of energy is stored in the grass?

Why is energy lost in the 10 percent rule?

It's a biology question, and it means that only 10% of the energy in the trophic level before it is gained by the current consumer, the rest is lost as heat and various other by-products.Example:Food Chain: Sun -> Grass -> Antelope -> LionIn this example, the grass absorbs the energy of the sun and starts the 'energy chain'. When the antelope eats the grass, it will only receive 10% of the ORIGINAL energy from the sun, the rest is given off as heat and such to the environment. When the lion eats the antelope, it will only receive 10% of the energy that the antelope received from the grass, which would then be only 1% of the ORIGINAL energy from the sun.