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HCrO4, also known as chromic acid, is a strong oxidizing agent and a corrosive compound. It is commonly used in cleaning and etching processes in industrial applications. It is a powerful acid that can react violently with reducing agents.

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Q: What is HCrO4?
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What is the chemical formula of bicromate?

Formula: HCrO4-

What is the chemical reaction when chromic acid is added to water?

Equation: H2CrO4 + H2O <=> H3O+ + HCrO4- <=> H3O+ + CrO42-

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What is the chemical formula of bicromate?

Formula: HCrO4-

Can chromic acid have one hydrogen acid ion?

This is possible when the ion is Hydrogen chromate or HCrO4-

What is the name formula for HCrO4 as acid?

The name formula for HCrO4 as an acid is chromic acid.

What is the chemical reaction when chromic acid is added to water?

Equation: H2CrO4 + H2O <=> H3O+ + HCrO4- <=> H3O+ + CrO42-

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Why mohr titration must be perform at a pH of neutral?

Mohr titration is typically performed at neutral pH because the indicator used, potassium chromate, changes color around a pH of 7. At neutral pH, the endpoint of the titration can be accurately detected, leading to more precise results. Additionally, the formation of insoluble silver chromate precipitate is favored at neutral pH, aiding in visually determining the endpoint.

What is the difference between binary acid and oxyacid?

First of all: oxoacids is preferred over oxyacidsBinary acids are certain molecular compounds in which hydrogen is combined with ONE second nonmetallic element. (They are also called hydracids)Examples: HF, HCl, HBr, HI, H2O, H2SThe names of binary acids begin with hydro- followed by the name of the other element modified to end with -ic (like in hydrochloric acid).Binary Acids are one of two classes of acids, the second being the Ternary Acids.The Ternary acids either consist of a hydrogen, oxygen, and one other nonmetal element, called the oxoacids (like HNO3) or hydrogen and two other nonmetal elements (like HCN).Answer:So:binary acids: hydrogen + one (nonmetallic) element (like HCl, H2S)andoxo-acids: hydrogen + oxygen + one (nonmetallic) element (like HNO3, H2CO3)