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Q: What is Matt Kennon's birthday?
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What is Matt Lanter's birthday?

Matt Lanter was born on April 1, 1983.

What is Matt Corby's birthday?

Matt Corby was born on November 7, 1990.

What is Matt Stajan's birthday?

Matt Stajan was born on December 19, 1983.

What is Matt Maguire's birthday?

Matt Maguire was born on May 30, 1984.

What is Matt Morgan's birthday?

Matt Morgan was born on August 10, 1977.

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Matt Malley was born on July 4, 1963.

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Matt Mantei was born on July 7, 1973.

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Matt O'Leary was born on July 6, 1987.

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Matt Letscher was born on June 26, 1970.

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Matt Striker was born on June 26, 1974.

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Matt Light was born on June 23, 1978.

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Matt Wachter was born on January 5, 1976.

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Matt Robinson was born on January 1, 1937.