

What is Modekngei?

Updated: 4/27/2024
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15y ago

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Modekgnei is a religion in the nation of Palau. It is celebrated by about 2000 people (about 10% of Palauans) and gained notoriety as an anti-war entity during World War II (Palau was occupied by Japan), although it was around at least since 1915 (and maybe earlier). Not much is known about its teachings as its members are very secretive, but it is polytheistic.

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2w ago

Modekngei is a traditional belief system of the people of Palau in Micronesia. It is a monotheistic religion that emphasizes harmony with nature and community values. Modekngei practices include respecting elders, protecting the environment, and maintaining a spiritual connection with their ancestors.

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When was Modekngei created?

Modekngei was created in 1915.

What religion do Palauans practice?

There is a practice of Palau named Modekngei, it is an religion that the Palauans have made up in the past. Modekngei began as a nonviolent opposition to the Japanese occupation and is an amalgamation of native and beliefs carried on in an of chants called keskes, tending to reinforce the native culture heritage. Also, Palauans were influenced by the Japanese during WWII to worship Buddhism But most of all, Catholics, Protestants, and Seventh Day Adventist took almost all of the Practices of Palau. There's Catholics schools like Palau High School, Marristella, and Midszenty! Seventh Day Adventist Elementary School and Palau Mission Academy is schools of SDA. Most Palauans are Christians, some Palauans do consider Modekngei as Christianity, however, results of debating haven't been permanent in this case.

What is meant by a pagan religion?

pagan religion means that you worship idols and not god and there is only 1 god *** That is a biased opinion and not fact. The purpose is to answer the question with facts not to quote your own religion as being better than others. The meaning of "pagan" is a term used to describe "country dweller". This was used to differentiate the "country" folk who stuck to their old gods and old religions rather than be converted to new religions such as Christianity. It has gone through many meanings, and today is an overall term used to describe people who are not of any Judeo-Christian faith. Simply because it is not mainstream does not mean it isn't there and real for hundreds of thousands of people. ANSWER i agree with the above anser, that is very correct, the first answer is based purely on personal bias a pagan religion means; any group of peopel that respect nature and life, and live according to this, they believe in balance and harmony of al things, negative and positive, that they are all part of the same thing, life they are very respectful of life, nature and other beings and people, and soem pagans don't believe in or worship any gods at all idolarity is not what poaganism is about at all, in fact its alla bout the balance of life , you, all creatures, nature and any gods goddesses that exist not worshipign or idolising them, but respecting and acknowledging them ANSWER 2: Both of the answers above are correct - but - paganism is not actually a religion. But rather the collective term for the religious beliefs that were celebrated and up held before christianization swept across Europe and labelled all "pagans" as heathens who did not follow the one "true" God. Some of the religions labelled "pagan": wicca, druidism, old Nordic (i.e. Thor), Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman ect.