

What is Narnia?

Updated: 3/22/2024
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14y ago

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Narnia is a fantasy world created by CS Lewis. The Chronicles of Narnia comprise seven books including, The Magician's Nephew, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Horse and His Boy, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, and The Last Battle, which tell the stories of ordinary children who find their way there and the many adventures they have and more.

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14y ago
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4mo ago

Narnia is a fictional world created by author C.S. Lewis in the novel series "The Chronicles of Narnia." It is a magical land filled with talking animals, mythical creatures, and epic adventures. The books follow the adventures of children who discover the portal to Narnia and become involved in its conflicts.

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14y ago

Narnia is both a country, and a world of its own. When the Pevensie children first visited Narnia in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," they left England in our world, and came to the country of Narnia, in the world of Narnia. Other countries in the Narnian universe include Ettinsmoor, Archenland, and Calormen. In the upcoming movie, "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader," some of the other smaller countries will be explored. Both "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" and "Prince Caspian" however, took place only in the country of Narnia.

As for where the movies were filmed, many of the scenes took place in New Zealand, amid the rugged mountainous country of the South Island. The newest film, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, was filmed at Movie World on Australia's Gold Coast, and at Cleveland Point, overlooking Moreton Bay.

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16y ago

Narnia is a fantasy world created by C. S. Lewis as the primary location for his series of seven fantasy novels for children, The Chronicles of Narnia. The world is so called after the country of Narnia, in which much of the action of the Chronicles takes place. I don't think the word Narniareally means anything.

In Narnia, some animals can talk, mythical beasts abound, and magic is common. The series tracks the story of Narnia when humans, usually children, enter the Narnian world from 'our world', or Earth.

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13y ago

C.S. Lewis wrote a series of books called the Chronicles of Narnia. Narnia is a fictitious place which Lewis used in his book to explain the gospel (or the story of Jesus and how Jesus paid the price for man's sin).

Narnia is the world. The White Witch is Satan. The animals on the White Witche's are Satan's. The Good Animals are God's. The children are us! Jesus is the Lion, Aslan.

Hope that helps.

It is just a word C.S. Lewis made-up and used it in his books. He may have combined words or found it somewhere in a fairy-tale book. Mabey even a magicial world he made up in the woods when he was a child. It is also said that there is a place in Italy called Narnia, but is now called Narni. It is also said that there is a "Lucy of Narnia". Hello, fellow, Narnia fans. This "Lucy of Narnia" is really called Blessed Lucy of Narnia". The Latin word Narnia, is also a person's name. Here is the profile for the name Narnia:

Name: Narnia

Gender: Feminine

Origin: Latin

Meaning: "Spring in Winter."

So, there you have the meaning for someone's name. But when not a person's name, but is talking about the Land of Narnia, here is the profile for what it means.

Place: Narnia

Gender: "Feminine" in a sense.

Origin: Latin

Meaning: "Free Land, and "Freedom".

May Aslan (Jesus) always be with you. God bless you all!

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14y ago

Four English children enter a mystical land called Narnia through a magic wardrobe. In Narnia animals, can speak, trees are alive and there are witches, dwarfs, centaurs, and unicorns. The Chronicles of Narnia tell of their adventures, the history of that land, and the way God in the form of a huge lion interacts with the children and with the creatures in Narnia.

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14y ago

It's about another world that was stumbled upon by humans. Also a witch stumbled upon the land from the beginning from yet another world. And a Lion named Aslan came and made talking animals a regular animals and placed a a couple from England as monarchs.

And that land was called Narnia. Then the Narnia series tell stories at different times in Narnia with new characters in each novel

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12y ago

It's about four children from London in the second world war and they evacuate from the city to the country side and they find a wardrobe and have a brilliant adventure!

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13y ago

Narnia is like the Garden of Eden and in the last book it turns into heaven

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13y ago

Magical, neat, pretty, peacful.

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Narnia is an imaginary world created by C.S. Lewis. There is no known way to get to Narnia from Earth, for it doesn't actually exist. You can enjoy the world of Narnia by reading the books or watching the movies, but I am afraid, that there is no way to get to Narnia.

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There is not a book named Narnia. Narnia is the setting for a series of 7 books by CS Lewis. The first book, about the origins of Narnia, is The Magician's Nephew.

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Is there a Narnia book eight?

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