

What is Ne on the peiodic table?

Updated: 5/26/2024
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Ne stands for neon on the Periodic Table. Neon is a noble gas with atomic number 10. It is colorless, odorless, and inert in normal conditions.

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Q: What is Ne on the peiodic table?
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There are either 118 or 117 elements in the peiodic table. it depends on the one that you are looking at.

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kadaghan ra ug peiodic table...didto tanawa iu....budang

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What does Ne mean in the period table?

Ne stands for neon

Periodic table of the element ne?

Ne stands for the element Neon on the periodic table. Neon is a colorless, odorless noble gas with the atomic number 10. It is commonly used in neon signs and lighting due to its bright orange-red glow when electricity is passed through it.

What is NE in the periodic table stands for?

In the periodic table, Ne stands for neon. Neon is a noble gas located in group 18 and period 2. It is colorless, odorless, and is commonly used in signs and lighting due to its bright orange-red glow when electrified.

What does ne stand for in the perodic table?

Ne Neon, a noble gas.

What element in the table of element is Ne?
