

What is Necesse in Latin?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: What is Necesse in Latin?
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Bolivarian Armada of Venezuela's motto is 'Navegare necesse, vivere non necesse'.

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What is 'If not in list it must be prohibited' in Latin?

Si non est super tabula necesse est edi is the Latin equivalent of 'If not in list, it must be published'. In the word by word translation, the conjunction 'si' means 'if'. The adverb 'non' means 'not'. The verb 'est'means '[he/she/it] is'. The preposition 'super' means 'on'. The feminine gender noun 'tabula', in the ablative case as the object of the preposition, means 'list, table'. The adjective 'necesse' means 'necessary'. The verb 'edi', as the passive infinitive of 'edere', means 'to be published'.

How do you say i need you in latin?

If you need to do something: Necesse est mihi facere aliquid (It is necessary for ne to do something)If you are lacking something: Careo aliquo (I need + the ablative case of what it is you are lacking).

What is latin for you have to be fearless?

St. Jerome answered this question back in the 5th century when he translated the 23rd Psalm (22nd by his numbering) for the Vulgate Bible, which is still the standard Latin translation. He wrote non timebo malum.

How do you say 'third' in Latin?

In Latin, "tertius" is third.In Latin, "tertius" is third.In Latin, "tertius" is third.In Latin, "tertius" is third.In Latin, "tertius" is third.In Latin, "tertius" is third.In Latin, "tertius" is third.In Latin, "tertius" is third.In Latin, "tertius" is third.

What is the adjective form of the word Latin?

The adjective form for the noun Latin is Latin; Latin language, Latin music, Latin countries.

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Could you please translate.....Tela vocari amica minime possunt nam necesse est quiquam in te iniectum hostile esse?

"Missiles can hardly be called 'friendly,' for anything thrown at you is necessarily hostile."The term tela amica "friendly missiles" is used here to render the modern concept "friendly fire."

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"Rosa" is rose in Latin."Rosa" is rose in Latin."Rosa" is rose in Latin."Rosa" is rose in Latin."Rosa" is rose in Latin."Rosa" is rose in Latin."Rosa" is rose in Latin."Rosa" is rose in Latin."Rosa" is rose in Latin.

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Vac is Latin