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Q: What is Niall' s favorite restaurant in one direction?
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What is Niall from one direction favorite animal?

Niall giraffes

Who is your favorite in One Direction?

My favorite is Niall Horan!

What is Niall from one direction favorite season of the year?

Niall is from the band One Direction. He has been interviewed several times about his likes and dislikes. Niall has gone on record as saying winter is his favorite season.

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What is Harry from one direction favorite restaurant?

TGI Fridays is his favorite restaurant

What is Niall's on One direction favorite shirt?

His blue 'Free hugs' one!

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you mean "who" and that would be Niall

Who is your favorite person in one direction if you were born in July?

Niall Horan

What is One Direction's favorite restaurant?

Nando's or McDonalds

What is niall from one direction favorite t shirt?

His blue 'Free hugs' one!

What is the members of one direction favorite song?

Niall loves Summer Love