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Q: What is Nina in Italian?
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Nina Glassman has written: 'Voci' -- subject(s): Textbooks for foreign speakers, Italian language, English

What is 'Maria o Nina' when translated from Italian to English?

"Mary or Nina" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Maria o Nina? The feminine proper name, conjunction, and feminine proper name most famously reference a choice between monotheism and polytheism as epitomized in the foremost women associated respectively with Christendom and Babylon. The pronunciation will be "ma-REE-a o NEE-na" in Italian.

What is the meaning of Susa nina?

Without more context, it is not possible to accurately determine the meaning of "Susa nina." "Susa" and "nina" are both words in different languages, and their meanings will depend on the context in which they are used. "Susa" is a word that appears in several languages, including Spanish, Italian, and Hungarian. In Spanish, "susa" is an informal term that is used to refer to a female cat. In Italian, "susa" is a regional term that is used to refer to a female fox. In Hungarian, "susa" is a term that is used to refer to a type of tree. "Nina" is a word that appears in several languages, including Spanish, Italian, and Croatian. In Spanish and Italian, "nina" is a feminine form of the word "niño," which means "child" or "boy." In Croatian, "nina" is a feminine form of the word "nin," which means "lord" or "master." Without knowing the context in which these words are being used, it is not possible to accurately determine their meaning.

Who is gina Nina?

Nina is the generic Spanish term for ( Girl) as well as being a female name. Also one component of Task Force l492 of Columbus. Gina, on the other hand, is Italian, a diminutive of Regina- Queen ( also a brand name of Vacuum cleaner)- and a well-known Italian Movie Actress. Gina Lollobrigida is her name. I have never heard her referred to as Gina Nina which is somewhat cacophonous sounding, well Chicago might be to some folks too. sorry.

What actors and actresses appeared in Chlorofilla vom blauen Himmel - 1984?

The cast of Chlorofilla vom blauen Himmel - 1984 includes: Renata Giuliani as Narrator (Italian version) Nina Robino as Clorofilla (Italian version)

What Italian captain left Spain in three ships the Nina Pinta and the Santa Maria to find a sea route to the indies?

Christopher Columbus was the expedition leader for this.

Is 'nino' used in Italian?

Yes, 'Nino' is used in Italian as a nickname, a term of affection for someone who's part of the close circle of family and friends. It's pronounced 'NEE-noh'. The feminine equivalent, 'Nina', is pronounced 'NEE-nah'.

What is 'Tre giorni son che Nina' when translated from Italian to English?

Tre giorni son che Nina is a very old Italian song by an unknown author. It apparently concerns a young girl who has died or is in the process of dying. The words are as follows:For three days Nina -- Tre giorni son che Nina has stayed in her bed -- In letto se ne sta.The slumber is killing her -- Il sonno l'assassinaPlease waken her! Svegliatela, per pietà!Cymbals, drums, and shawms -- E cimbali e timpani e pifferi,waken my little Nina -- Svegliatemi Ninettaso she may not sleep any more -- Perchè non dorma piùAnd while the doctor -- E mentre il sior dottoregoes to visit her -- A visitarla va,dear Nina, out of love -- Ninetta per amorestays in her bed -- In letto se ne sta.

How tall is Nina Arianda?

Nina Agdal is 176 cm.

What nicknames does Nina Dolci go by?

Nina Dolci goes by Naughty Nina.

What nicknames did Nina Reiggini go by?

Nina Reiggini went by Nina Reiggini.

What nicknames does Nina Tenge go by?

Nina Tenge goes by Nina MC.