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Odysseus is able to string his bow, after all the suitors have tried and failed.

Odysseus is also able to win Penelope's heart, kill all the suitors, and have the love and respect of the gods, in particular Athena.

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Q: What is Odysseus able to do that the suitors cannot do?
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How is Odysseus able to enter into his palace unnoticed by the suitors?

Odysseus is disguised as a beggar, and thus no one recognizes him.

What would have happened if Odysseus did not arrive in a disguise?

Odysseus would not have been able to determine who was loyal. The suitors might be unprepared to ambush him. The suitors might be prepared to kill Telemachus. The suitors might be prepared to run away.

What does the leader of the suitors do to Odysseus?

He challenges Odysseus and of course Odysseus wins and later he kills the leader of the suitors.

What does the leader of the suitors do to Odysseus?

He challenges Odysseus and of course Odysseus wins and later he kills the leader of the suitors.

WHERE does Odysseus fight off the suitors?

Odysseus kills the suitors in the Great Hall in his palace.

How does Odysseus get rid of the suitors?

Odysseus, his son, and the loyal staff kill all the suitors.

What do the suitors do after Odysseus kills Antinous?

The suitors, still not realizing that this is Odysseus, threaten to kill Odysseus, thinking the murder was a mistake.

What does Odysseus and Telemachus do to get rid of the suitors?

they kill the suitors

How did Odysseus conquer the suitors?

Odysseus conquered the suitors in multiple ways:ManlinessOdysseus conquered the suitors through display of physical prowess first. He performed the feat of stringing his boy which no one other than his son Telemachus was able to do. Further, he was able to shoot the arrow through the 12 handholds of the axes, further disparaging the suitors, and accentuating their physical weaknesses between him and them. BattleOdysseus continued to defeat the suitors by proceeding to KILL THEM ALL. Odysseus plucked off suitor after suitor with his arrows. In addition to being a legendary archer, Odysseus was famed for his spear work; after he had run out of arrows, he proceeded to kill the suitors with his spear.

How did the suitors treat the disguised Odysseus?

Most of the suitors ignored Odysseus. Some of the suitors treated him decently as a beggar, giving him some bread and some soup. Some suitors, like Antinuous, abused Odysseus verbally. Antinous threw a footstool at Odysseus.

What was Odysseus plan to kill the suitors?

There were several steps to his plan. It involved him depriving the suitors of all weapons except one only Odysseus was able to use and locking them in a room so they could not escape.

In the book The Odyssey how did Odysseus kill the suitors?

Odysseus had asked his son to lock the armory so that the suitors cannot defend themselves. After successfully shooting an arrow through the holes of the twelve axes, Odysseus shoots Antinous in the throat, and the suitors realize who the beggar - Odysseus - is. They try to flee, then attempt to get Odysseus away from the door so that they can escape. While Odysseus continues to shoot the suitors down, his son, Telemachus, gets spears and shields from the armory. After Odysseus runs out of arrows, he and his son use the spears to kill the suitors. They are helped by two servants. Eventually, Athena, goddess of war, makes her presence known in the form of a shield, and the suitors give up hope, and are slaughtered. Odysseus had killed 108 men, including 12 servants who had betrayed Odysseus (the maids had slept with the suitors, and a servant had mocked Odysseus when he was a beggar).