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Q: What is Olivia Wilde's favorite color?
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What is Olivia wildes name in cowboys and aliens?

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What is Saint Olivia's favorite color?

Olivia was the central figure in a pious tale that circulated long ago that was mistaken for a biography. Olivia never existed.

What is Olivia Holt from kick in ' it favorite color?

It's either Red or Turquoise. I think it might be Turquoise.

What is Olivia Holt favorite color?

It's either red or turquoise. I think she likes turquoise better.

What is the birth name of Kevin Wildes?

Kevin Wildes's birth name is Kevin Robert Wildes.

What is Olivia Holt favorite hero?

Olivia Holt's favorite super hero is one Jadin Gould.

When did Sarah Wildes die?

Sarah Wildes died in 1692.

When was Sarah Wildes born?

Sarah Wildes was born in 1627.

When was Kevin Wildes born?

Kevin Wildes was born in 1954.

What is olivia holt favorite super hero?

Olivia Holt's favorite super hero is one Jadin Gould.