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Q: What is One word to describe macro and microeconomics?
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A macromolecule is one that has a large number of atoms.A protein is a macromolecule.We learned about a macromolecule in class today.

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Microecnomics is the study of economics on a small scale and macroeconomics is on a large scale. They are related in that general trends in either macro or micro will sometimes affect the other, but other times they can have completely opposite trends. In the general view of the two, a trend in one will be reflected in another, although sometimes on different scales. Microeconomics is the foundation of macroeconomics analysis

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Where can one study microeconomics?

One can obtain basic instruction on microeconomics from any number of books available at a library. Students in the United States are normally given basic education on microeconomics in High School, though in Europe the subject may be taught at the Middle School level. Those wishing to pursue a complete understanding of microeconomics may find a college or university course the best place for instruction.

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the smallest organisation is micri and the biggest one is the macro

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