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Q: What is Pablo Picasso's most famous painting?
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What traditions helped shape Pablo Picassos work?

Most of his work was about not following traditions.

What style of painting did Pablo Picasso produce?

He prduced a number of styles. Most famous is Cubism.

What was Pablo Picasso most famous work of art?

painting all sorts like beaches !xoxo

How big was Pablo Picassos biggest painting?

There are two versions: The one in Philadelphia is 203, x 188 cm. The one in New York is 201 x 223 cm.

What is Pablo Picasso's most famous cubist painting?

I have to say Les demoiselles d'Avignon, although it is not exactly a cubist painting but the starting point of cubism.

What is the name of a famous Puerto Rican painter?

george lopez is one of the many famous painters from comobia. He did many painitngs. His most famous painting was in the 1800's called the peniz it was one of the most errectic painting known to colombia "peniz"

What is Marc Chagall's most famous painting?

his most famous painting is " I and the village"

What kind of artwork did Pablo Picasso do?

Picasso painted and sculpted. His most famous style of painting was cubism, but he also used blues, roses, classicism and surrealism.

How much was Pablo Picasso's most famous painting sold for?

His first painting was the weeping woman painted in France and went for $320.00 Answer 2: The above is pure nonsense. Picasso's earliest painting in a museum, was painted in 1895. The 'Weeping Woman' is from 1937.

What is Grant Wood's most famous painting?

The American Gothic is probably his most famous painting.

What painting has become an anti-war symbol and was exhibited all over the world?

Picasso's Guernica is an anti-war symbol, painted in response to the Spanish Civil War.

What painting is Picasso famous for?

His favourite painting is the Death of Casagemas.