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Q: What is Paolo Gregoletto's Trivium race?
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Who is the leader of metal milita?

I'm not positive if the band is still together but I believe it was founded by Paolo Gregoletto, who now plays bass for the band Trivium.

What are the members of the band trivium?

Matthew Kiichi Heafy- Vocals, Guitar Corey Beaulieu- Lead Guitar Paolo Gregoletto- Bass Travis Smith- Drums, Percussion

What is the plural noun for trivium?

The plural of trivium is trivia.

What is Matt Heafy's Trivium race?

His father, Brian Heafy is of Irish descent while his mother, Yoshiko Heafy, is of Japanese descent.

How did the band trivium think of their name?

there is no release on why they named their band trivium

Is the band Trivium a satanic band?

No, Trivium are quite obviously not Satanic.

What type of music does Trivium play?

The band Trivium plays heavy metal music. They are an American band from Orlando, Florida. Trivium was formed in 2000. They have released 5 albums.

What is a terrible trivium?

The trivium consists of the subjects grammar, rhetoric and logic. Whether they are terrible or not is up to the teacher and student.

What are Trivium's total album sales worldwide?

Trivium has sold 4 million total album sales worldwide

Which is not among the subject areas included in the trivium?

Science is not included in the trivium, which consists of the three subjects of logic, grammar, and rhetoric.

Do any members of Trivium worship Satan?

No, Trivium is not a satanic band and none of the members worship satan. Trivium's lyrics are mainly about mayhem, suffering, internal struggles, and, while only a few songs have this kind of lyrics, christianity.

Why dont they have any trivium on Guitar Hero?

Because Trivium is simply too hardcore for Guitar Hero. Actually, I believe I read somewhere that they had a Trivium song from their album Ascendancy, Declaration I believe it was, as downloadable content for Guitar Hero 2.