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Pavlovian sexual conditioning refers to the process by which an individual develops a sexual response to a previously neutral stimulus through repeated pairing with a sexually arousing stimulus. This type of conditioning can influence an individual's sexual preferences and arousal patterns.

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What is a common name for Pavlovian conditioning?

Classical conditioning.

Why is Pavlovian conditioning not really a simple form of learning?

Pavlovian conditioning involves the association of a neutral stimulus with a significant stimulus to elicit a specific response. This form of learning can involve complex cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and perception. Additionally, factors like timing, context, and individual differences can influence the effectiveness of Pavlovian conditioning, making it a more nuanced form of learning than initially thought.

Who is the father of classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov is considered the father of classical conditioning. He conducted experiments with dogs that led to the development of the theory of classical conditioning, where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a reflexive response through repeated pairing.

What types of responses are observed through Pavlovian conditioning?

Pavlovian conditioning can lead to a variety of responses, including acquisition (learning the association between the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli), extinction (weakening of the conditioned response when the CS is no longer paired with the UCS), spontaneous recovery (reappearance of a conditioned response after a rest period), generalization (responding to stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus), and discrimination (ability to differentiate between similar stimuli).

What is principle conditioning?

Pavlovian or classical conditioning is a type of learning where an individual comes to associate two different stimuli. This process involves pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response. The neutral stimulus eventually becomes a conditioned stimulus that triggers the same response as the unconditioned stimulus.

Related questions

What is a common name for Pavlovian conditioning?

Classical conditioning.

Pets who learn that the sound of an electric can opener signals the arrival of their food illustrate?

It's called a Pavlovian response, or Pavlovian conditioning (named for the man who discovered it, a guy named Ivan Pavlov). See the Related Links below for more information.

Who is the father of classical?

Ivan Pavlov. It is, in fact, also known as Pavlovian conditioning.

Why is Pavlovian conditioning not really a simple form of learning?

Pavlovian conditioning involves the association of a neutral stimulus with a significant stimulus to elicit a specific response. This form of learning can involve complex cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and perception. Additionally, factors like timing, context, and individual differences can influence the effectiveness of Pavlovian conditioning, making it a more nuanced form of learning than initially thought.

Animals can be trained to perform tricks through a learning process called conditioning?

Yes, Classical/Pavlovian Conditioning or Operant conditioning. However there are boundary conditions and biological constraints that limit the "tricks" - they cannot go against instinctive behaviors.

Is Shepard Siegel a learning theorist in the tradition of behaviorist?

What are you, his publicist? Anyhow his bio says his research has been concerned with the general area of Pavlovian conditioning, especially the contribution of such conditioning to physiological and behavioral regulation.

Who is the father of classical conditioning?

Ivan Pavlov is considered the father of classical conditioning. He conducted experiments with dogs that led to the development of the theory of classical conditioning, where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a reflexive response through repeated pairing.

What types of responses are observed through Pavlovian conditioning?

Pavlovian conditioning can lead to a variety of responses, including acquisition (learning the association between the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli), extinction (weakening of the conditioned response when the CS is no longer paired with the UCS), spontaneous recovery (reappearance of a conditioned response after a rest period), generalization (responding to stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus), and discrimination (ability to differentiate between similar stimuli).

What is classicial conditioning?

Classical Conditioning is also known as Pavlovian conditioning. It is when events( or stimulants) lead to a response. For example, watching a funny movie would cause you to laugh, just like a scary movie would make your heart beat faster. This is how the formation of fears and fobias are made. This is also how reflexive responses and scents that bring back certain memories are created.

What is principle conditioning?

Pavlovian or classical conditioning is a type of learning where an individual comes to associate two different stimuli. This process involves pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response. The neutral stimulus eventually becomes a conditioned stimulus that triggers the same response as the unconditioned stimulus.

Conceptual paradigm for obesity?

the Pavlovian Stimulus Model

Is natural selection if a pigeon learns when its keeper comes near it it will be fed?

No, you are probably thinking of classical/pavlovian/respondent conditioning. This is when a conditioned stimulus, in this situation it would be the keeper, comes to signal the occurrence of a second unconditioned stimulus, in this case being fed.