

What is Periodic force?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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16y ago

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A force which acts continuously at specific intervals of time is called periodic force.

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1w ago

Periodic force is a repeating and predictable external force that is applied to a system at regular intervals. It can cause oscillations or vibrations in the system, depending on the frequency and amplitude of the force. Periodic force is commonly studied in physics and engineering to understand how systems respond to external influences over time.

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What type of motion does a pendulum have?

A pendulum exhibits simple harmonic motion, which is a type of periodic motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. This causes the pendulum to oscillate back and forth in a regular pattern.

What is an example of periodic motion?

An example of periodic motion is a swing moving back and forth. The swing repetitively oscillates around a fixed point due to the force of gravity and the initial push given to it. The motion of the swing follows a pattern that repeats at regular intervals.

What is simpe garmonic motion?

Simple harmonic motion refers to the repeated back-and-forth movement of an object around a central equilibrium position. It is characterized by a restoring force that is directly proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium position and acts in the opposite direction to the displacement. This results in a periodic motion where the object oscillates at a constant frequency.

What are the factors that altered the periodic time for a pendulum?

Factors that can alter the periodic time for a pendulum include the length of the pendulum arm, the acceleration due to gravity, the angle at which the pendulum is released, and air resistance. Furthermore, the mass of the pendulum bob and any external force applied can also affect the periodic time.

Can you say circular motion is a harmonic motion?

Circular motion can be considered a type of periodic motion, where an object moves in a circular path with a constant speed. Harmonic motion, on the other hand, is a specific type of periodic motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. While circular motion is periodic, it does not necessarily exhibit the characteristics of harmonic motion.

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Electronegativity is a characteristic property shared by ALL elements. Non-metals have the greatest (strongest force of electron attraction), and metals have the least (weak force of electron attraction)

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Yes, the periodic table has a group of Noble gases. (The last column of the peroidic table.) These elements tend to have no attractive forces because they are neutral. (# of electrons and protons are equal, therefore it's force is 0.)

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In absence of any external force, the body would oscillate indefinitely with a constant amplitude a, then it is called free oscillation. When a body, being acted by an external periodic force ,oscillates with the frequency of the force, then the oscillation of the body is called forced oscillation.

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What is the name of the table of elements?

The table of elements is called the Periodic Table of Elements. It organizes all known chemical elements based on their atomic number and chemical properties.

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A torsional pendulum exhibits rotational periodic motion. You can create one by hanging some weight from a cord, and then rotating the weight. The cord becomes twisted, generating a torsion force, that will cause the weight to rotate in the oppopsite direction. Thus, a periodic rotation movement is generated.

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