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Rudimentary consciousness.

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That is commonly known as consciousness or awareness, which is the continuous flow of mental experiences such as perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and sensations that occur in an individual's mind. It is the subjective experience of being aware and engaged with the world.

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Q: What is The continuous stream of perceptions thoughts feelings or sensations of which you are aware from moment to moment?
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How do you know that you are conscious?

Being conscious is often described as the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings, thoughts, and feelings. It is something that we experience subjectively through our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. We can recognize our consciousness by our ability to think, feel, and make decisions.

Who is the lady in the mirror?

The "lady in the mirror" phrase is often used symbolically to refer to one's reflection in the mirror, representing self-reflection and introspection. It can represent our inner thoughts, feelings, desires, and perceptions about ourselves, inviting us to look deeper into our own self-awareness and understanding.

What is an intra personal phenomena?

Intrapersonal phenomena refer to experiences, thoughts, and emotions that occur within an individual's mind. It involves self-reflection, self-awareness, and the internal dialogue that shapes a person's perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors. Examples include memories, dreams, motivations, and personality traits.

What things cannot be seen but can be felt?

Emotions, thoughts, and energy are examples of things that cannot be seen but can be felt. These internal experiences are subjective and are perceived through sensations, reactions, and awareness rather than through visual observation.

What is eternal reflection?

Eternal reflection refers to the idea of ongoing contemplation or introspection that has no end. It is a continuous process of examining one's thoughts, actions, and beliefs over an infinite timeframe.

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Introspection involves reporting our thoughts feelings and what?

Sensations! :D

What is the awareness of the sensations thoughts and feelings being experience at a given moment?


Psychologists refer to the state of awareness of ourselves and the world around us as?

Psychologists refer to the state of awareness of ourselves and the world around us as consciousness. This includes our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions of the external environment.

What term do psychologists use to designate your personal awareness of feelings sensations and thoughts?



the process of observing an object and recording the thoughts, sensations, and feelings. A key tool of structuralism.

What is scope and limitation of consciousness?

The limitation is within your self, your awareness and limitation of thoughts, your memories, sensations and feelings.

Which of these styles of writing involves recording thoughts and feelings as they occur?

Journaling or stream of consciousness writing involves recording thoughts and feelings as they occur in a continuous flow without worrying about grammar or structure.

What is the purpose of speeches?

Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners.-"Public Speaking", Wikipedia

In order to focus on inner sensations images and feelings Wilhelm Wundt used a research tool known as?

Wilhelm Wundt used a research tool known as introspection to focus on inner sensations, images, and feelings. Introspection involved individuals reflecting on their own thoughts and feelings in a controlled laboratory setting.

How are sensation and perception important to psychology?

Sensation involves the process of detecting stimuli from the environment, while perception involves interpreting and making sense of these stimuli. Understanding sensation and perception helps psychologists study how individuals perceive and interact with the world around them, and how these processes can shape their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. This knowledge is crucial for understanding human cognition and behavior in various contexts.

What is the means of ahsaas in urdu language?

In Urdu, "ahsaas" means "feeling" or "sensation." It refers to the ability to perceive or experience emotions, thoughts, or physical sensations.

What does concousioness mean?

Consciousness refers to the state of being aware of and able to perceive one's surroundings, thoughts, and feelings. It is the ability to experience sensations and emotions, and to have self-awareness and the capacity for introspection.