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You have to capitalize the "p".

"G3P" ~Jason

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Obie Bradtke

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2y ago
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Q: What is The final product of the Calvin benson used to produce glucose is?
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What happenes during the Calvin benson cycle or dark reaction?

the final product of the calvin benson cycle used to produce glucose is?

What is final product of the Calvin-Benson cycle used to produce glucose is .?

G3p You have to capitalize the "p". "G3P" ~Jason

How many co2 are fixed in the Calvin benson cycle in photosynthesis to produce glucose?


What happens during the CalvinBenson cycle or dark reaction?

the final product of the calvin benson cycle used to produce glucose is?

What happens during the Calvin Benson cycle?

In the Calvin-Benson cycle, also known as the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is fixed and converted into sugars using energy from ATP and NADPH generated in the light-dependent reactions. This process involves a series of enzymatic reactions that ultimately produce glucose, the primary product of photosynthesis, and regenerate the molecules needed to continue the cycle.

What happens during Calvin- Benson cycle or dark reaction?

the final product of the calvin benson cycle used to produce glucose is?

What happens during the Calvin-benson or dark reaction?

carbon dioxide from the air is used to produce glucose and other compounds.

What happens during the Calvin benson cycle or dark cycle?

carbon dioxide from the air is used to produce glucose and other compounds.

What cycle ends in the formation of glucose?

Calvin-Benson cycle

What is the primary molecular product of the Dark reactions of photosynthesis?

The primary molecular product of the Dark reactions (Calvin cycle) of photosynthesis is glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P), which is a three-carbon sugar molecule. G3P is a crucial intermediate that can be used to produce glucose and other carbohydrates for the plant's growth and energy storage.

What three substances are introduced into calvin-benson cycle to produce sugar molecules?


Why is the Calvin benson cycle sometimes called the carbon fixation cycle?

The Calvin-Benson cycle is also referred to as the carbon fixation cycle because its primary function is to fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into organic molecules such as sugars. This process of carbon fixation is essential for plants to produce their own food through photosynthesis.