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Q: What is The function c(x) 0.5x plus 70 c(x) 0.5x plus 70 represents the cost cc (in dollars) of renting a truck from a moving company where xx is the number of miles you drive the truck.?
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How much does it cost to rent a pallet truck?

It costs from $525 dollars to $6598 dollars to buy one. The cost of renting one might be lower than the price to buy one but it depends largely on what kind of per hour pay the company offers.

How much do renting stables cost a month?

Renting a horse stable usually on average cost around $200 dollars ,if not more.Depends on the barn stables and the features and qualities that come with it.

Is rental income operating or non operating revenue?

It depends on the business. If the company is in the business of renting apartments, then it would be operating income. But on the contrast if the company is renting out an extra room for some extra cash than no.

How do you say what company are you renting from in spanish?

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Do I need insurance for a Bus Rental ?

The company you are renting the bus from should have the insurance. You do not need to purchase insurance from a separate company.

What does it cost to rent private jets?

The cost of renting a private jet varies depending on the size of the jet rented, the length of the trip that the jet will make, and the size of jet that is rented. Renting a private jet can cost as little as a few thousand dollars on up to tens of thousands of dollars.

If I rent furniture for a period of time and then decide to buy it, will the money I have already paid be credited to the furniture's cost?

The idea of renting furniture has really taken off in the last 5 years. Many different companies offer to credit what funds that you have spent renting their furniture in the case you decide to buy. It depends on what company you are renting furniture from. Before renting, check with the company to see if they offer a credit for rent-to-own.

What is the general price point for renting a standard limousine for one night?

Renting a limousine can be very expensive if looking for a nice one. The average cost to rent this vehicles are going to be about 1000 dollars for the night.

How does one go about renting a camper van for a family of four?

One can go about renting a camper van by visiting a dealership or company that specializes in renting out campers and rv's. A sales person at the dealership nearest you will help them find the camper that will be right for their family and situation.

Can I rent designer bags?

There are a couple of websites that specialize in renting out designer handbags, glasses, and accessories. The most well know is Another company is the renting bags business is

How cheap is it to hire a coach?

The price of hiring, or renting, a coach can vary based upon what company the coach is rented from. A person can contact Bounty Coaches or Coach Broker for pricing on renting a coach.

What was the company that Ebenezer Scrooge worked at?

Initially Fezziwig's Trading company and then he and Marley started their won business trading, lending money and renting property