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Q: What is Today more than half of women with preschool children are?
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What is shoe size 5 and a half women's equal to children?


What shoe size 8 and a half women's equal to children?

There is no children's shoe size equal to this. Children's shoe sizes only go up to women's size 5.

What is a shoe size 4 and a half in children's equal to in women' shoes?

The closest is a size 5 which is still half a size bigger.

How many women has Floyd mayweather children?

Four children, Koraun, Iyanna, Shamaree, Jirah,

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Are women half better or better half?

Women are Better half

What half of population was not allowed to vote in greek?

Women and non-citizens were not allowed to vote in ancient Greece. This meant that approximately half of the population, mainly women and slaves, did not have the right to participate in the democratic process.

What is the relevance of the Titanic for us today of the Titanic?

What we have learned from Titanic is to have number of lifeboats for every one on board. Don't steer a ship too fast when you're going around ice bergs. Don't let lifeboats leave off half full. When Titanic's crew were rescuing passengers and they said women and children first-they usually meant 1st class women and children. Murdoch suggested some men in a lifeboat. 2nd officer Lightoller was the one that said "women and children only." Mainly 1st class women and 2nd class women and children were spared as well as few 1st class men. 2nd class men were the ones that stayed behind and let their wives and children board the lifeboat. Steerage were the last to be rescued. Half of steerage were rescued. Most of the steerage as well as famalies were left on the sinking ship.

How many women were murdered during the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was directed against ALL Jews - men, women and children, young, old, healthy and sick. So about half the six million slaughtered were female.

What proportion of holocaust victims were women?

About half were female. At the start most of the victims were male, as they were seen as a threat, later most were women and children as the men made better workers.

How did womens lives change after war started?

the women had to take over the mens job and also take care of the children the important fact was they only be paid half of what a man would be payed the women had to take over the mens job and also take care of the children the important fact was they only be paid half of what a man would be payed

Why were the worker in early factories mostly women and children?

Because the factory owners could pay women and children half of what they would have to pay men.