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Tolkien is subtly vague here, but the implication is that Tom Bombadil is one of the Maiar, a sort of lower-level "angel" if you will, as opposed to the Valar, who are relatively equivalent to the various gods of mythology. When they appear in Middle-Earth at all, the Maiar are generally portayed as humanoid, but endowed with powers and understanding far greater than mortals or elves. Other Maia include Sauron the Dark Lord and the wizards Gandalf (Olorin is his Maia name), Saruman the White, and Rhadagast the Brown. Tom Bombadil's Maia name is Arwain Ben-adar, which means "oldest and fatherless." His powers are very powerful but centered about his home, which is close to the Withywindle River.

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Q: What is Tom Bombadil?
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Tom Bombadil was created in 1954.

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There is no real answer to this because Tolkien kept Tom Bombadil mostly a riddle to everybody. One explanation Tom Bombadil gives is that 'he is master'. He is in full control within his own borders and nothing can overpower him at least there. But again, most things about Bombadil remain a riddle.Gandalf said that those with a great enough power of their own can command the ring, Tom Bombadil knows his boundaries and does not try to step over them, so the ring cannot corrupt his mind to evil.

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Tom Bombadil's wife is Goldberry, also known as the River-woman's daughter. She is associated with the River Withywindle and is described as a beautiful, water-loving spirit in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium.

Why was Tom Bombadil not in the Lord of the Rings movies?

He just goes away after sauron is defeated i think

What characters were added to the movie the hobbit?

Radagast the Brown was an add in. He was only a brief mention in the books, and was never fleshed out into a character. In the movie, Radagast had a strong resemblance to another book character, Tom Bombadil. Tom Bombadil never made an appearance in The Hobbit.

Who is Tom Bombadil?

Tom Bombadil is a J.R.R Tolkein character. He has his own stories "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil" He also made an appearance in The Lord of the Rings (the book, not the movie!) in which the hobbits met him and spent some time with him in his forest home. Tom is in fact a Maia, a spirit of another dimension in a manly form. This is much like Gandalf, except that Tom's powers are beyond all comprehension and even Sauron cannot harm him. The only limits to his power is those he places on himself, like not going past his land boundaries.