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Presumably you mean Chinese Opera masks - The main colour in a facial makeup symbolizes the disposition of the character. Gold and silver colours are usually used for gods and spirits. Red indicates devotion, courage bravery, uprightness and loyalty. Black symbolizes roughness and fierceness. The black face indicates either a rough and bold character or an impartial and selfless personality. Yellow signifies fierceness, ambition and cool-headedness. Purple stands for uprightness, sophistication and cool-headedness. The reddish purple face likewise shows a just and noble character. Blue represents staunchness, fierceness and astuteness. White suggests sinisterness, treacherousness, suspiciousness and craftiness. A green face tells the audience that the character is impulsive and violent and depicts surly stubbornness, impetuosity and a total lack of self-restraint. For the clowns of traditional drama, there is a special makeup called xiaohualian (the petty painted face), i.e., a small patch of chalk on and around the nose to show a mean and secretive character.

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Where does the Chinese opera mask come from?


Why does cry wear a mask?

Cry was involved in an accident that left a scar on his face and it makes him a little self-conscious, therefor he wears his Poker Face mask to hide it.

Is 'Thou know'st the mask of night is on my face' by itself a metaphor from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet?

Yes, "the mask of night" is a metaphor. In the same way that a mask covers someone's face, darkness obscures the face so you cannot see it. Juliet is not really wearing a mask, but the darkness acts as a mask. The metaphorical meanings of "mask" have become standard usage in such expressions as "masking tape". As is often the case, we use the metaphorical meanings more often than the literal one. (This is unfortunately also true of the word "literal", so that one frequently hears such unintentionally hilarious expressions as "I literally died when she said that", or "She literally exploded".)

What type of mask is a Greek theatre mask?

The Greek mask was a full-face mask with exaggerated features made out of balsa wood and cork, covered with linen and painted to resemble the human face. In later times a small megaphone was made into the mouth opening to help magnify the voice.

How come in the Phantom of the Opera the phantom didnt make out with cristine the first time?

I think the removal of the Phantom's mask ruin everything for the Phantom to get near Christine again. His face frighten Christine. Phantom was furious thinking she was a prying Pandora wanting to see his face behind his mask.