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Q: What is a Common multiple of 12 14 16 greater than 2017?
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The first common multiple of 3984 is 3984, itself and that is greater than 300.

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1, 2, and 53, have their first common multiple of 106.

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The lowest common multiple of 7 and 9 is greater than 40.

Is the least multiple other then 0 common to sets of multiples?

This is the lowest common multiple which is the smallest number greater than 0 which is a multiple of all the numbers. for example the lowest common multiple (lcm) of 4 and 6 is 12 as 12 is the first (smallest) number greater than 0 that is a multiple of both 4 and 6.

What is the greatest common multiple of 16 and 24?

There is no greatest common multiple. Ever! If x were the greatest common multiple, then what about 2x? Since x is a multiple of 16 and 24 then so also is 2x, so that 2x is a COMMON multiple. And it would certainly be greater that x. So 2x is a common multiple that is greater than the greatest common multiple. What?!

What is the common multiple of 9 and 21 that is greater than 100?

189, for one.

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Any multiple of 45 greater than 180, starting with 225.

What are the gcm of 625 and 500?

There can be no greatest common multiple. For, if x were the greatest common multiple, then 2x would be (a) a common multiple and (b) greater than x. So x could not have been the greatest common multiple.

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There can never be a greatest common multiple of one number for two reasons:"Common" refers to a multiple that is common to two or more numbers. You cannot have a multiple that is common, but only to one number.If X is the greatest common multiple of a set of numbers, then any multiple of X will also be a common multiple of each member of the set and it will be greater than X. And then, any multiple of this number will be a multiple of each member of the set and will be greater still. And then ...

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There can never be a greatest common multiple. If a number, X, is claimed as the greatest common multiple, the 2X is a common multiple, and it is greater than X which contradicts X being the greatest.