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Q: What is a Decomposable matrix?
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What are some decomposable materials?

cotton is decomposable

Is meat decomposable?

Yes, meat is decomposable. When disposed of in the environment, meat will start to break down due to the activities of bacteria, fungi, and other organisms that help to decompose organic matter. However, the decomposition process for meat may produce unpleasant odors and attract pests if not managed properly.

Is linen decomposable?


Is horn decomposable?

yes it is decomposable and after that it is used to make many important things to be used for human being.

Are boxes decomposable?


Is chocolate decomposable?


What things are decomposable?

A wolf

Is metal a decomposable item?

Metal is not easily decomposable due to its high resistance to corrosion and degradation. It can persist in the environment for a long time if not recycled or properly disposed of. Recycling metal helps to reduce the need for new metal production and limits its impact on the environment.

Decomposable material to keep hard boiled eggs from going bad?

Eggs are decomposable, so placing eggs with this mind of material will cause it to go bad and decompose. Don't do it.

Is steel decomposable?

no its not you can look up other metals and fossil fuels that are though:]

Why is leaching more common for tropical rainforest?

Leaching is more common in tropical rainforests due to high precipitation levels and warm temperatures that accelerate the breakdown of organic matter. The heavy rainfall washes away nutrients from the soil before plants can absorb them, leading to nutrient-poor soils. Additionally, the rapid decomposition of organic matter in the warm, humid conditions further exacerbates nutrient loss through leaching.

Are Air soft BBS decomposable?

No not all of them are. They have to say biodegradable on the bag when you buy them.