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Q: What is a Latin word that means whole or healthy in English?
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What does the Old English word hal mean?

The Old English word "hal" means sound, whole, or healthy. It is commonly used in greetings such as "hale and hearty" to wish someone good health.

Latin for as a whole?

omnes it means all, whole

How do you say in Latin 'Diametrically opposed by the whole heavens'?

The Latin equivalent of the English phrase 'Diametrically opposed by the whole heavens' is Omnino adversatus totis caelis. In the word-by-word translation, the adverb 'omnino' means 'diametrically'. The past participle 'adversatus' means 'opposed'. The adjective 'totus' means 'entire, whole'. The noun 'caelis' means 'heavens'.

What is the Latin for 'opposed by the whole heavens'?

The English equivalent of 'opposed by the whole heavens' is adversatus totis caelis. In the word-by-word translation, the past participle 'adversatus' means 'opposed'. The adjective 'totis' means 'entire, whole'. The noun 'caelis' means 'heavens'.

What does integer mean in latin?

It means "whole" or "intact"

Which word comes from the Latin word integrare?

Integrare in Latin means To make Whole!

What is the Latin phrase meaning 'diametrically opposed literally by the whole heavens'?

The Latin equivalent of the English phrase 'diametrically opposed literally by the whole heavens' is Recte et ad verbum adversatus totis caelis. In the word-by-word translation, the adverb 'recte' means 'directly'. The conjunction 'et' means 'and'. The preposition 'ad' means 'to the'. The noun 'verbum' means 'word'. The past participle 'adversatus' means 'opposed'. The adjective 'totis' means 'entire, whole'. The noun 'caelis' means 'heavens'.

Does an integer have to be a whole number?

Yes - an integer is a whole number - the Latin word "integer" translates into English as "untouched", or, loosely, "whole".

What words are derivatives of the Latin root syllable 'tot-'?

The Latin root syllable 'tot-' means 'so many'. Its English derivatives are total and totality. Its Latin derivatives are the adverb 'totiens', for 'so many times'; and the adjective 'totus', for 'the complete, the entire, the whole'.

What does tantum-deus mean in latin?

Tantum in Latin is "How great" or "so much" in English.

What does entera mean in English?

"Entera" means "Entire" or "Whole" in English.

What is the prefix or suffix of universe?

The Latin prefix 'unus' means one or whole and the Latin suffix, 'versus' means turn.