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Q: What is a Unused neurotransmitters are absorbed in a process?
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Unused neurotransmitters are absorbed in a process called?


Reuptake means that?

Unused neurotransmitters are absorbed :)

What are retrograde neurotransmitters?

Retrograde neurotransmitters are released from dendrites and alter the activity of neighbouring cells. This process is the opposite of typical neurotransmitters, which are released from the axon terminal (of a post synaptic neuron) and act on dendrites. Two examples are the gaseous neurotransmitters Carbon Monoxide and Nitric Oxide.

What is the process by which neurotransmitters reenter terminal buttons and are repackaged for future use?

Reuptake - process by which neurotransmitters are taken back into the synaptic vesicles.

What is biopsychology process?

Biopsychology is a branch of psychology which examines how the brain and neurotransmitters affect our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. The bio-psychological process looks at how an impulse, or chemical release from the brain and travelling through the neurotransmitters elicit psychological responses.

In which process is fiber absorbed into the large intestine?

it is absorbed in the small intestine before it gets absorbed back into the large instestine.

What is the process by which neurotransmitters reenter terminal buttons and are repackaged for future use in the terminal buttons?


What does reuptake mean?

Reuptake means the gathering of something that has already been dispersed. It is often used to describe depression drugs as "reuptake inhibitors" related to serotonin. So, what the body does is release serotonin into your system, and then it pulls it back out, in order to regulate the amount in your system. The depression drugs prevent it from being reabsorbed, thereby keeping your mood higher.

What is the process of a neurotransmitter being absorbed into the axon terminal?

The process is called Teuptake

How does a signal travels down a neuron?

Best Answer: They make chemicals that are gas-like. Neurotransmitters.

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