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a annelids body covering is very tiny hairs

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Q: What is a annelids body covering?
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What is annelids body covering?

a annelids body covering is very tiny hairs

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What is the difference between nematodes and annelids?

Nematodes are "roundworms". Pseudocoelomates, meaning the pseudocoemomate lies between the digestive track and the muscle layer. There is no muscle layes surrounding the digestive track, as it would be for coelomates, like annelids (earthworms) Platyhelminthes are "flatworms". They are acoelomates, meaning they lack body cavity between the digestive track and the body covering. There is only a tissue filled region, but no true coelom. (Sorry, I must have pushed some inappropriate keys)

What are the body covering of vertebrates?

It depends on the classification of vertebrate.Mammals have a body covering of fur, skin or hair.Birds have a body covering of feathers.Reptiles have a body covering of scaly skin.Fish have a body covering of scales.Amphibians have a body covering of moist skin.

What are example of annelids?

annelids comes from a french word anneles which means ring ones in latin little rings. They are organisms with segmented body exampl of annelids are ragworms, earth worms etc.

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A mole has a body covering of fur.

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