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A biography is the name given to a book which details somebody's life, often from their birth until their death. If you write a biography of yourself it is called an autobigraphy.

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6mo ago

An autobiography is a written account of a person's life, written by that person. A biography is a written account of a person's life, written by someone else.

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11y ago

a auto biography is tell a story about yourself and a biography is a story about some one also

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If bill gates wrote it himself, it is a biography,if not its an auto-biography

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By a full stop. lol.

What is auto biography biography?

An autobiography is a biography written by the person the story is about. Many famous people have written autobiographies, including Maya Angelou.

A book about someones life is called?

a biography

Did nelson Mandela write a auto biography?

Long Walk to Freedom, an auto-biography by Nelson Mandela.WARNING: Auto biography has become the term for any book on a persons life, written in the first person. It may have been ghost written by another individual who was given permission or requested to write the book.

Who did Helen Keller dedicate her auto biography to?

ernest hemmingway