

What is a backward slash?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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8y ago

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A backward slash is a slash that tips backwards (\), as opposed to a forward slash that tips forwards (/).

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8y ago
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8y ago

A backward slash is another term for a backslash, a symbol ( \ ) - sometimes used to indicate the beginning and ending of an area of words to be marked for correction.

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A backslash (one word, no hyphen) is used on Windows to indicate folder levels in a path to a file. A forward slash (not one word) is used in internet addresses (and in Unix paths). So, If you hear a website address being read out as "dot com backslash [something]" do not type that - use a forward slash (the one near the shift key; the one that leans forward)

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I have Kickbox Lite, so if my level 8 is the same as yours you move one of the forward slash blue bars to the bottom right corner. Then place a backward slash blue bar 4 squares above that. Place the blue bullseye to the far left of that (2nd row, 1st box) and place the last forward slash blue bar two squares below that and hit go.

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I have Kickbox Lite, so if my level is the same as yours you move one of the forward slash blue bars to the bottom right corner. Then place a backward slash blue bar 4 squares above that. Place the blue bullseye to the far left of that (2nd row, 1st box) and place the last forward slash blue bar two squares below that and hit go.

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(\_/)(^_^)(") (")This bunny looks best in Geneva on Microsoft word.DIRECTIONS1. open parenthesis (shift+9) + backward slash + underscore (shift + dash) + forward slash + close parenthesis (shift+0)2. open parenthesis + carat (shift+6)+underscore+carat+close parenthesis3. open parenthesis + quotes (shift + apostrophe) + space + quotes + close parenthesis--or--(\(\('.')(( )( )This bunny looks best in Times New Roman on Microsoft Word.DIRECTIONS:1. open parenthesis (shift+9)+backward slash + open parenthesis + backward slash2a. open parenthesis + open quote + space + open quote + close parenthesis2b. go back to step 2a. and change the space to a period.3. open parenthesis + open parenthesis + space + close parenthesis + open parenthesis + space + close parenthesis