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An astronaut in outer space

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Leah Conyers

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Q: What is a best example of an isolated system?
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A tightly closed well-insulated vacuum flask is an example of which type of system?

isolated system

What is a Example of an isolated system?

An astronaut in outer space

Is pendulum an example of an isolated system?

A pendulum is an example of a closed system, where energy can be exchanged with the surroundings but not matter. An isolated system would not exchange any energy or matter with its surroundings, which is not the case for a pendulum due to energy losses from friction and air resistance.

What's the best home security system for an isolated vacation cabin without a hard phoneline?

The best kind of home security system for an isolated vacation cabin without a hard phoneline or any phone line at all would be to get a wireless home security system .

In NOT an example of Isolated Personnel?

An example of isolated personnel includes prison wardens.

What is isolates system?

Isolated system are those which neither exchange matter nor energy with the surrounding. For example an imaginary perfect thermal flask. Do note that no system is perfectly elastic.

Why is it that call a collection of matter that does not interact with anything else in the universe?

A closed system

What is a example of a oligotrophic lake?

Lake Vostok is the best, example this lake lies beneath the Antarctic and has been isolated for some 15 million years

Billiard balls colliding is an example?

An example of the principle of conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant before and after a collision.

What is a isolated system?

An isolated system is a system in which neither matter nor energy can enter or leave the system. This means that no interactions with the surroundings can occur in terms of energy or matter exchange. The total energy and mass within an isolated system remain constant.

How would you use the words isolated system in a sentence?

An isolated system cannot exchange either energy or matter outside the boundaries of the system

What isolated system is one which is not subject to any force?

An isolated system that is not subject to any external forces is one where the total mechanical energy remains constant. This system obeys the law of conservation of energy, with no external work being done on it. An example could be a satellite orbiting the Earth in a vacuum.