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Q: What is a body's resistance to changes in motion or speed called?
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What term is used to describes a bodys resistance to a change in motion?


What word is used to describe a bodys resistance to change in motion?

its inertia, for penn foster answer A.. :)

Which of following is the term used to describe a bodys resistance to a change in motion?

Inertia, inertial mass, or mass. All the same.

Which of the following is the term used to describe a bodys resistance to a change in motion a inertia b acceleration c gravity d mass?

The term used to describe a body's resistance to a change in motion is inertia.

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Its Called Cell Respiration.

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Ears "pop" when there is a change in pressure. It is the bodys way to prevent discomfort from pressure changes.

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Traits or characteristics that an offspring inherits from its parents are known as genetic traits or inherited traits. These traits are determined by the genetic material passed down from the parents to their offspring.

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