

What is a brood of vipers?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is a brood of vipers?
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He called them a brood of vipers or snakes.

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Whitewashed tombs, brood of vipers, hypocrites.

What is the noun for the collective noun brood?

The noun brood is a collective noun for:a brood of Chess playersa brood of chickensa brood of chicksa brood of hensa brood of grousea brood of turkeysa brood of maresa brood of pheasantsa brood of termitesa brood of vipersa brood of jellyfish

Where is the Bible verse Whatsoever is in thine heart is in the mind already?

There is no verse that says that but there is none that says:Matthew 12:34 Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

What is collective noun of brood?

No, the collective nouns for crocodile are:a bask of crocodilesa congregation of crocodilesa float of crocodilesa nest of crocodilesThe collective noun 'brood' is used for:a brood of chicksa brood of chickensa brood of grousea brood of hensa brood of jellyfisha brood of pheasantsa brood of termitesa brood of trukeys

What is a group of vipers called?

A group of vipers is called a nestThat would be a nest of Vipers

Are vipers real?

Yes, vipers are real.

What is the homophone for brood?

Brood: Brewed

Are there vipers in Ohio?

No. There are no known species of vipers in Ohio.

When was Calgary Vipers created?

Calgary Vipers was created in 2005.

When was Kolkata Vipers created?

Kolkata Vipers was created in 2011.

When was Fighting Vipers created?

Fighting Vipers was created in 1995.