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It is when you charge a capacitor. When you walk across a carpet on a dry day, you build up a charge. It is discharged when you touch something.

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1w ago

A buildup of charged particles refers to a situation where there is an accumulation of electrons (negatively charged) or protons (positively charged) in a particular area. This buildup can lead to the generation of an electric field and potentially result in phenomena like lightning or static electricity discharge.

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12y ago
  • static charge.
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10y ago

Static electricity

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Q: What is a buildup of charged particles?
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What is produced by a buildup of charged particles on a material?

A buildup of charged particles on a material can produce static electricity. This static electricity can result in sparks, crackling noises, or even small shocks when the charged material comes into contact with another object.

2 subatomic particles have the same charge?

Protons and positrons both have a positive charge, with a charge of +1.

Negatively charged particles are called what?

Negatively charged particles are called electronsI'M SURE BELIEVE ME !!!!electrons are charged -1 and protons are charged +1.

What are non charged particles?

non charged particles are called neutrons.

What are the three types of charges that particles can have?

Particles can have positive, negative, or neutral charges. Positive charges are carried by protons, negative charges by electrons, and neutral particles have an equal number of protons and electrons.

Are Ions electrically charged particles?

yes ions are electrically charged particles in the troposphere

What part of matter does electricity involve?

Electricity involves charged particles. An electric current involves the movement of charged particles. These charged particles MAY be electrons, and often are; but it is possible to have an electric current with many other types of charged particles.

What are positively charged electric particles in an atom?

Protons are the only positively charged particles in an atom.

When positively charged particles and negatively charged particles attract each other the substance is?


What is the difference of proton an electrons?

Protons are positive charged particles. Electrons are negative charged particles.

What was the purpose of the fluorescent screen in rutherfords experiment?

detect charged particles

Why do charged particles not penetrate matter?

Charged particles interact with the atoms of matter through electromagnetic forces, which cause them to lose energy and change direction as they pass through. In dense materials, these interactions are more frequent and lead to the charged particles being rapidly decelerated and eventually absorbed. This is why charged particles do not penetrate matter easily.