

What is a bunny's metabolic rate?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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i don't know why are you asling me?:(

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Q: What is a bunny's metabolic rate?
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Which cell has the higher metabolic rate?

the liver has a higher metabolic rate

The rate at which the chemical reactions in the body cells take place is known as the __________ rate.?

The rate of Metabolism, or metabolic rate.

What increases the basal metabolic rate in an individual?

Elevating your heart rate increases your basal metabolic rate in an individual.

Does fever decrease the metabolic rate of the body to conserve energy?

It decrease the metabolic rate. This is because Metabolic actually produce heat, if you are in fever state, the body will slow down rate of metabolic as less heat will be produced.

What is core metabolic rate?

Core Metabolic Rate is the specified metabolic rate particular to and occurring within that one individual. Core Metabolic Rate represents the rate of core metabolism, the broad spectrum of physiologic activities occurring within that one individual. In personalized health, core metabolic rate represents a key metric in delineating the inner health and physiologic dynamics of an individual.

What does the Basal Metabolic Rate represent?

The Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR, is your metabolic rate, or how many calories that you burn, when you are completely at rest. It is responsible for most of the calories that you burn each day.

What is the major factor that determines metabolic rate?

The major factor that determines the metabolic rate is the amount of lean body tissue. A feature of the basal metabolic rate is pregnancy increases the BMR.

What are two hormones that affect metabolic rate?

Thyroid hormone, produced by the thyroid gland, plays a key role in regulating metabolic rate by controlling the body's energy production and consumption. Another hormone that affects metabolic rate is adrenaline, which is released by the adrenal glands in response to stress or danger, increasing energy expenditure and promoting the breakdown of stored nutrients for fuel.

Which hormone is called the metabolic hormone?

thyroxine.It controls mainly basal metabolic rate. Other hormones also involve in metabolic rate control

What is relative metabolic rate?

Relative metabolic rate must be the rate that an individual's body processes chemicals per unit of mass of their body.

The body's rate of kilocalorie consumption needed to fuel all ongoing activities is called the?

basal metabolic rate. Its not basal metabolic rate because The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the energy the body needs to perform only its most essential activities such as breathing and maintaining resting levels of organ function. Total Metabolic Rate because The total metabolic rate (TMR) is the rate of kilocalorie consumption needed to fuel all ongoing activities (involuntary and voluntary).

What is a basal metabolic rate?

A basal metabolic rate is an amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate climate.