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if you mean colonoscopy, its pretty much where they lube up a camera and shove it up your bung hole and look for cancer if they find any they have a grabber attachment on the camera that will take a sample and/or remove it

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Q: What is a colposcopy procedure?
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Where is a Colposcopy done?

This is a procedure that can be done in the doctor's office

Watch a video of colposcopy procedure being done?


What is the global period for a colposcopy?

The global period for a colposcopy is typically 10 days. This means that any related services provided within 10 days of the procedure are considered part of the initial colposcopy and are not separately billable.

Can pregnant women have a colposcopy?

Women who are pregnant, or who suspect that they are pregnant, must tell their doctor before the procedure begins. Pregnant women can, and should, have a colposcopy if they have an abnormal Pap test.

Can you go in water after a colposcopy?

It is generally recommended to avoid swimming or soaking in water, such as in a bath or hot tub, for about 1-2 weeks after a colposcopy procedure to reduce the risk of infection. It is best to follow the specific post-procedure instructions given by your healthcare provider.

What procedure is commonly performed with a colposcopy?

There are several procedures that can commonly be performed with a colposcopy. They are Schiller's test, acetic acid wash and biopsy if the two previous tests show signs of abnormal cells.

What research has been done on colposcopy?

In 2004, a study showed that a new optical detection system used with colposcopy greatly improved visual detection of precancerous changes in the cervix during the procedure.

What are the chances you can get pregnant after a colposcopy?

The chances of getting pregnant after a colposcopy are not affected by the procedure itself. However, it's important to avoid intercourse for a few days after the colposcopy to allow the cervix to heal. If you have concerns or specific medical questions, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider.

What is the medical procedure colposcopy?

This procedure is done when a Pap smear reveals abnormal results. With an endoscope placed through the vagina and into the cervix, a physician can determine exactly where lesions of the cervix are.

Who performs a colposcopy?

Colposcopy is performed by a gynecologist.

What is the purpose of colposcopy?

Colposcopy is a procedure used to closely examine the cervix, vagina, and vulva for signs of disease, such as abnormal cells or genital warts. It is typically performed to further evaluate abnormal Pap smear results or to diagnose conditions like cervical dysplasia or cervical cancer.

Does insurance cover a colposcopy?

I recently had to have a colposcopy done. My insurance will not cover the procedure under regular doctor visits because they consider it a surgical procedure and I will have to first pay $500 out of pocket. Most colposcopies do not cost $500, so I ended up having to pay for the whole thing. I have Humana insurance. I know most insurance companies do cover them, however you will want to check with the insurance company on what your deductible will be since most of them consider it a surgical procedure.