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A controlled variable is one that remains the same throughout the experiment, i.e., it is not changed

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Q: What is a controlled vaiable?
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What is the same about dependent variable independent variable and controlled vaiable?

They are all variables (or possibly, vaiables!).

What does vaiable means?

Reasonable or capable. Example my tv is completely vaiable.

What is an dependent vaiable?

a variable that depends on another force

What is a vaiable in an experiment?

mv rs cv iv

What is an independent vaiable?

It is basically this: "What are you using that changes the experiment?"

How do you calculate total vaiable cost per unit?

Total Variable Cost divided by Quantity of Output

Why is it difficult to budget for variable expenses?

It's dificult to budget for vaiable expenses because variable expenses change based on a number of factors.

What are the terms for vaiable life insurance?

You should consider life insurance that covers you for the amount you need. Term life insurance is one form of coverage.

Is an indoor hammock a viable option?

Indoor hammocks are a vaiable option if you have the right available space. You should always make sure that you check the dimensions of the hammock and that it fits the space you have available.

How the can be controlled?

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What is the difference between a controlled experiment and a controlled group?

a controlled group is like an idea but an experiment that is controlled cannot be changed.

What vaiable goes on the y axis and what direction does it go in?

The variable that goes on the y-axis is the dependent variable, and it is plotted vertically. The y-axis typically represents the response or outcome being measured in a study or experiment.