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A cooler area on the sun is called a sunspot

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Q: What is a cooler area on the sun called?
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What is a cooler area on the sun's surface?

An area on the sun that is cooler is called a sunspot.

What is an area on the sun cooler than any other area on the sun called?

A sunspot.

What is a dark area of the sun that is cooler than the surrounding area?

they are called sunspots.

What is an area of gas on the sun that is cooler than other surrounding gases called?

The answer is chromosphere

What is a dark area on the surface of the sun that is cooler than the surrounding area?

Sunspots are dark areas on the sun's surface that are cooler than the surrounding area.

How can Arcturus be cooler and more luminous than the Sun?

It is much larger and has a greater surface area than the Sun, so each unit of area can be cooler and less luminous than an equal area on the Sun.

What is the cooler area on the sun's surface?

Sunspots are the coolest areas on the surface of the sun

What are dark cooler patches on the sun called?

They are called, sunspots.

What are the dark spots on the surface of the Sun that represent areas of cooler temperatures called?

Sunspots are dark areas on the sun's surface that are cooler than the surrounding area.

The dark spots on the surface of the sun that represent area of cooler temperatures are called?

The relatively cooler areas are called sunspots. They are regions of high magnetic flux and appear and disappear, most notably on an 11-Earth-year cycle.

What is Darker cooler area of the sun that comes and go in cycles?

the sunspots

Is the spectacular eruption of gas from the surface of the sun called a sunspot?

No. A sunspot is a slightly cooler area of the surface associated with magnetic disturbances within the Sun. The eruptions of gas are called prominences, and they are related to the phenomenon called solar flares.